Quite frequently we have been asked, if the FEPO4 accupacks needs balancing.

Following our statement:

1. Before we started selling the cells, we had intensive discussions with A123Systems

    about the use of the cells.

2. A123Systems recommends to balance the accupacks from time to time.

3. A123Systems themselves sell accupacks for the RC market in USA. These own

    Racing packs are equipped with balancer cables.

4. First Connect follows the specifications from A123Systems. Therefore our

    accupacks are also equipped with balancer cables.

    We recommend to fast charge the accupacks without balancer on the flying field or

    whereever they are used. At the end of the day, the cells should be charged with

    3 Amps and a balancer. Thus the cells are to 100 % full. This treetment will result

    in the maximum lifetime of the cells.

5. From time to time First Connect is discharging and charging the accupacks before

    they are send to the customer. During these checks we experienced voltage differences

    between cells in a pack of up to 0,3 V. Thus the cells shoud be charge with a balancer

    during the first charge.

6. Also regarding the nominal voltage of the cell, we follow the A123Systems specs.

    The nominal voltage is 3,3 V per cell and not 3,6 V as some distributors are claiming.

7. Regarding our pricing, please keep in mind the effort and material cost you need to

    invest to add a balancer cable afterwards. The balancer cable for a 3S pack alone

    cost Euro 2,50, not to forget the shrink tube, shipping cost and the time to solder

    the cable to the cell connectors.

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